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Friday, August 29, 2014

Method 1: Inventing an algorithm.

The first major algorithmic technique is divide and conquer.
This is the technique that britishers used to enter india.
Part of the trick of making a good divide and conquer algorithm is determining how a given problem could be separated into two or more similar, but smaller, subproblems. More generally, when we are creating a divide and conquer algorithm we will take the following steps:

Divide and Conquer Methodology

1. Given a problem, identify a small number of significantly smaller subproblems of the same type 2. Solve each subproblem recursively (the smallest possible size of a subproblem is a base-case) 3. Combine these solutions into a solution for the main problem
The first algorithm we'll present using this methodology is the merge sort.
Merge Sort The problem that merge sort solves is general sorting: given an unordered array of elements that have a total ordering, create an array that has the same elements sorted. More precisely, for an array a with indexes 1 through n, if the condition
for all i, j such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n then a[i] ≤ a[j]
holds, then a is said to be sorted. Here is the interface:
// sort -- returns a sorted copy of array a function sort(array a): array Following the divide and conquer methodology, how can a be broken up into smaller subproblems? Because a is an array of n elements, we might want to start by breaking the array into two arrays of size n/2 elements. These smaller arrays will also be unsorted and it is meaningful to sort these smaller problems; thus we can consider these smaller arrays "similar". Ignoring the base case for a moment, this reduces the problem into a different one: Given two sorted arrays, how can they be combined to form a single sorted array that contains all the elements of both given arrays:
// merge -- given a and b (assumed to be sorted) returns a merged array that // preserves order function merge(array a, array b): array So far, following the methodology has lead us to this point, but what about the base case? The base case is the part of the algorithm concerned with what happens when the problem cannot be broken into smaller subproblems. Here, the base case is when the array only has one element. The following is a sorting algorithm that faithfully sorts arrays of only zero or one elements.


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