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Saturday, August 30, 2014

History of Java Language

                                   The Unmatched programming language that you will see on any software platform in the world 'java'. On 23 MAY 1995, JOHN GAGE, the director of the Science Office of the SUN MICROSYS- TEMS4 along with MARC ANDREESEN, co-founder and executive vice president at NETSCAPE announced to an audience of SunWorldTM that Java technology wasn’t a myth and that it was a realityandthatitwasgoingtobeincorporatedinto NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR.
At the time the total number of people working on Java were less than 30 people.<ref name="CITEREFEarlyYearsSun1"/> This team would shape the future in the next decade and no one had any idea as to what was in store. From being the mind of an unmanned vehicle on MARS to the operating environment on most of the consumer electronics, e.g., cable set-top boxes,VCR’s, toasters, and also for PERSONAL DATA ASSISTANTS (PDAs).11 Java has come a long wayfromitsinception. 


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