While Creating Secured Login system or Secure Systems , we need to put data into MySQL Database. Unlike, Uploading it on server and Saving its address into Database can be dangerous. it can be accessed easily by the Person who is not expected to see it. thats why web developers store them into database in binary format and retrieve whenever needed.
Here's Short Tutorial On Storing JPEG/image files on MySQL in BLOB (actually .bin) format.
Code for Connection to database(file name ='connect_db.php')
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_db ='practice';
$mysql_username ='root';
$mysql_pass = ' ';
$connect_server = mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_username,$mysql_pass) or die();
mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die('Error :could not connect');
In Above Code Replace localhost,practice ,root ,etc. with your database name, username, password and hostname.We will going to require this file in each page where we need to access database.
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="image">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
require 'connect_db.php';
$pic_data = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']));
$query="INSERT INTO `pic-table` VALUES('','{$pic_data}','{$pic_size['mime']}')";
mysql_query($query) or die('ERROR: Failed');
echo 'Please Submit File';
MySQL Database Details
Database Name= 'practice'
Table Name= 'pic-table'
2.pic-data(BLOB)NOT NULL
3.pic-size(int)NOT NULL
Here's Short Tutorial On Storing JPEG/image files on MySQL in BLOB (actually .bin) format.
1. Eshtablishing connection to MySQL Server
Code for Connection to database(file name ='connect_db.php')
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_db ='practice';
$mysql_username ='root';
$mysql_pass = ' ';
$connect_server = mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_username,$mysql_pass) or die();
mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die('Error :could not connect');
In Above Code Replace localhost,practice ,root ,etc. with your database name, username, password and hostname.We will going to require this file in each page where we need to access database.
2.Create Form Page Or File Submit Page Where You Can Convert,Insert That Image Into MySQL
Code For Page Where You Actually Taking Image And Saving it (file name='form.php' )<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="image">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
require 'connect_db.php';
$pic_data = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']));
$query="INSERT INTO `pic-table` VALUES('','{$pic_data}','{$pic_size['mime']}')";
mysql_query($query) or die('ERROR: Failed');
echo 'Please Submit File';
MySQL Database Details
Database Name= 'practice'
Table Name= 'pic-table'
2.pic-data(BLOB)NOT NULL
3.pic-size(int)NOT NULL